Work & Worship: S.K. Ali, Muslim Author
I arrived a few minutes late to the bookshop and quietly took a seat towards the back as to not draw attention to myself. Nevertheless,...

The Blessed Bananas Wins Children's Book Award
Dearest Banana Lover, I pray you receive this email in the best of health and imaan, insha Allah, and are reaping immense blessings in...

This Isn't Monkey Business
You may have wondered why I chose a monkey as my main character in "The Blessed Bananas." I still remember the night my dad came home...

Healthy Recipes Can Be Yummy, too!
Greetings! Welcome to my healthy recipes page. I'm so glad you're here! I want to start by telling you what home-cooked food means to me....

Who's Really Listening?
There’s a phone in every hand, but who’s really listening? Why bother listening when no one is even talking. I know you know what time it...